Attractive spots of stories of stones

Shakudani stone

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  • Japanese

  • Simplified

  • Traditional

Tuff is a type of rock made from compressed volcanic ash. One variety of tuff native to Fukui is known as shakudani. It is easily identified by its mysterious blue tint, which becomes even more pronounced when exposed to water. Relatively soft, shakudani is easily mined and processed using traditional means. At Fudoji Temple, on the eastern foot of Mt. Asuwayama, cuts into the mountain’s blue bedrock are sure signs that shakudani was mined there. It provided stone for many important projects.

PeriodShakudani stone was formed 17 millions years ago and its mining ended in 1999.

位置情報Shakudani stoneLocation info of

147 Asuwakami-cho, Fuku City, Fukui Prefecture

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